Friday, April 12, 2013

Sprouting 101

So as we move through the weekend and next week we are going to get our Sprout on! And getting that on starts with good quality seeds. I can not tell you - now many times myself have had a bad experience or heard someone say " I just am not good at sprouting'...and it is all just because of the seeds being rancid, low quality..

SO Here is an amazing seed resource for you to look into! 

We are going to start with just your basic ORGANIC seeds and bonus he has a link: SPROUTS FOR BEGINNERS - go there first ;) . something like the clover, alfalfa are easy to grow on your counter top, in small areas - we will work with these variteies first! GET SOME! If you want to get your seeds fast and start to sprout with me - head to whole foods, or your local co-op for resources.. but be sure to buy ORGANIC seeds and then Check back MONDAY! and we will get these little guys growing!

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